Saturday, January 9, 2010

Cabin Fever and sickness sets in

So this week has been freeeezing...very untypical of a Nola winter. This week the highs have been in the 30s and at night we get in the low 20s and the wind chill is like 10 degrees. I like cold and I don't really want to complain b/c in some ways its cozy and nice to have a cold winter but its not good when you have a toddler. I think if I didn't have a kid I would be enjoying laying on the couch watching tv but I can't do that with him. We haven't gotton out a whole lot b/c of the cold. Its just too cold to even take walks. It feels like we will never get back on our usual walking routine. December was too rainy and now January is too cold. Again though welcome to winter. I definitely sympathize with northerners and understand why soo many of them are "snow birds". We have also had a week of sickness in our house. It started about a week ago with Austin having a sore throat. Then Colby has had a runny nose for almost 2 weeks! He hasn't really developed anything else a slight cough but even that seems to have gone away today. I'm not sure if he has had any fever because he doesn't let me take his temp. So I have been giving him tylenol once a day just in case. But thankfully he is eating, sleeping, and playing all the same. So he's one tough cookie. I on the other hand have known the last 2 days that I was coming down with something. Now today my throat feels like it is on fire. It hurts so bad. I just hope its part of this cold thing that's going around our house and I will wake up better tomorrow. We have church tomorrow which ofcourse I teach Sunday School but I am also supossed to work in extended care but I hate to be around the kids if I am sick. So we'll see. But I also hate to miss since we have been cooped up so much! Colby really is taking it all well though. He has stayed pretty entertained but I think if we can't get out soon we will all go crazy! Luckily though I think we are supossed to see highs in the 50s mid next week! That will be warm!!

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