Monday, June 21, 2010

Swim Lessons Day 1

Today was Colby's very first swim lesson! I was too much in a rush this morning worried about making sure I had his bag packed and mine and keeping an eye on my potty training child to worry with pictures! Hopefully before the end of the week I will get some though!
I think Colby did pretty good for this to be his first ever swim lesson! He was very excited when I told him we were going to the pool. He wasn't scared at all even when we got to the house a place he had never been before. We sat in a chair and watched the older kids finish up their lesson. Once it was our turn Colby was very happy! He was brave in the water and tried swimming alone. The only thing that made him cry was when the swim teachers would take him and make him "Swim" back to me. This was about separation anxiety though not a fear of water. The teachers even said that. They were very patient and did well with him. I just pray he warms up to them before the end of the week! He would quit crying each time he got to me so I know he wasn't afraid of the pool just the strange teachers. The things they worked on today were kicking feet, floating on back, and dunking under water. He didn't mind all 3 he just minded being with the teachers ha. I think these next 2 weeks are going to be fun....since they are only for 30 min and located in our neighborhood its not stressful at all...its actually going to be relaxing I think the next 2 weeks b/c we will have a somewhat leisurely morning then swim lessons then relax in the afternoons. I know he is also going to eat and swim really good too!
There are a total of 4 younger kids in the class 2 boys and 2 girls. I think Colby is the 2nd to youngest. There were supossed to be 5 but one little boy freaked out so much his dad brought him home. All of the kids cried/screamed at one point so Colby was not alone which made me feel better. Its totally normal for this age to be scared somewhat and the teachers are very patient with them! It will be interesting to see his progress each day!

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