Tuesday, June 15, 2010


As far as Colby and whatever is wrong with him still leaning towards teething. Today he has not run any fever. It got back up to 100 degrees before bedtime though. We gave him more tylenol and he slept fine. He still does not seem to be himself though. He is more subdued then his normal self. He really hasn't been whiny though which is good. He hasn't been interested in eating today so not sure if his tummy is upset or it hurts to eat because of his teeth. He is still drinking plenty though and has not had any more diarhea. I haven't called the doc yet because at this point I doubt there is anything they could do. I was going to call if he had woken up with fever today but so far he hasn't had any.

As far as potty training intro goes he is doing so well. Still nothing in the potty but he is getting good at staying dry. I put him in big boy underwear today and he stayed dry for 45 minutes. He sat on the potty twice but never did anything. I am just glad he is making progress! I think its pretty good for a 1 year old who isn't quite 2 yet!

We went to Target today thats all the getting out we did. I would have liked to have brought Colby to the park but with him not being fever free for 24 hours I didn't want to risk it or have him get overheated out there. So we had to get stuff from Target so that was our outting today. I have Bible Study tomorrow and he will go over to my parent's house then so hopefully he will feel good enough to swim by then!

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